# Project Sekai (Japanese Server)

  • Project Sekai is a rhythm game. Please make sure you have a Project Sekai account before using.

# Bind Account

  • Command: /pjsk bind yourID

# Update Cache


In order to relieve the pressure on the server and improve the query speed, we have made a cache for the query, and the validity period of the cache is 10 minutes. During this time, your information will not be updated. If you need to force an update, use this command.

  • Command: /pjsk update

# User Profile

  • Command: /pjsk profile

# Single Song Grades

  • Command: /pjsk info songname

# Song Info

  • Command: /pjsk song songname

# Charts Preview

  • Command: /pjsk charts songname difficulty
    • difficulty: easy, normal, hard, expert, master

# Random Song

  • Command: /pjsk rand

# Gacha


Gacha result will not be saved. Cost 5cs

  • Command: /pjsk gacha

# 有车吗

  • Project Sekai模块支持车牌查询, 详见: 有车吗